Classroom Activities for various grade levels

Grade 1– 5 activities
Designing underwater robots: art/writing activity
Show students these videos about designing underwater robots:


and Stanford’s human shaped robot video:

Then have the students write or draw or in teams or on their own items they think should be on their underwater robot.  Have them explain why they included the different things they have added.

6-8 activities
Mount St. Helens lesson on volcanic deformation

This site has a worksheet, video and other interesting things about how land based volcanologists measure lava filling magma chambers.
Multibeam mapping excel graphing activity

Students make cool 3D maps of the seafloor with excel:

Part of “How We explore” Okeanos Explorer curriculum.

9 - 12 activities
Axial Seamount Inflation activity

Website that explains how scientist use this information to predict eruptions at Axial:

Students use an interactive web interface to study how scientists use inflation of the volcano to predict eruptions.
Mount St.Helens lesson on volcanic deformation This site has a worksheet, video and other interesting things about how land based volcanologists measure lava filling magma chambers.